Saturday 18 June 2011


Music has the power to cause emotions to well uo within us.These feelings are gripping-often irresistible-and seem to emerge from nowhere. These feelings cover our moods,affect our perceptions and generate a behavioural pattern. The indisputable fact about music is its power to evoke emotions.Is there anyone,for whom music is completely emotion-neutral? Music has the ability to inevitably tap the still,mysterious deep well of our emotions.                                                                                                                                                             Music is known to endow the listener with aesthetic or intellectual pleasure. It can be complex, subtle, overt-and these features may reside in one of the different aspects of the music e.g.rhythm,melody. Some of the greatness of music,however, lies in its holistic nature-that all the elements from a unique wholeness which may not b understood by studying the parts seperately. However complex, music is readily appreciated by the mind without the need for formal knowledge.                                                                                      The lay listener may not be able to hear which instruments are playing, or which pitches are used. Yet, he or she may have no problem appreciating the music as a whole. An experienced listener, on the other hand, may be able to transcribe every note, but might still be at a loss to understand why the music is so pleasing to listen to even for the time! Music is created from the heart and moulded by emotion. As musicians, we are inherently creative-so people say-and we have the ability to derive intense pleasure from a particular piece of music which we listen to or produce.                                                                                   Here, I am referring to an aesthetic experience, which everybody must have felt. Tears of joy, a tug at the heart, goose pimples.... True art always comes as an irresistible inner urge. We here a song of Thyagaraja and are enthralled just as we gaze at a majestic temple or an ancient sculpture with wonder. All such works of art are the result of an inner urge. That is why it is something inherently beautiful.